Increase Your Confidence by Reprogramming Your Brain

These daily affirmations will boost your self esteem so you have the confidence that you always dreamed of. When you know your worth, your capabilities are endless. Do these affirmations everyday, and your life will change before your eyes.

You can do these while you lay down, or sit with your legs crossed, you can listen on your morning walk, or even as you get ready for your day. This is your time. Do not worry about anything else. Take a deep breath in. Feel your lungs filling with positivity. And then release the negativity. You deserve this time for yourself.

Repeat these affirmations out loud or to yourself:

  • I am deserving of a happy and successful life.

  • I am deserving of love from others.

  • I vibrate with the frequency of success.

  • I am confident.

  • When I work for something I desire, I achieve it.

  • I make powerful contributions to the world.

  • I love and respect myself.

  • I believe in myself.

  • I am enough.

  • I am self sufficient.

  • I am intelligent and capable.

  • I am happy and free.

  • My imperfections make me unique and I embrace them.

  • I am so proud of who I am in this moment.

  • I acknowledge my self-worth

  • I feel healthy, strong, and positive today.

  • I am bold and brave.

  • My confidence attracts others to me.

  • I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.

  • I let go of the negative feelings about myself, and choose to look at the positive.

  • I am successful.

  • I am in full control of my life.

  • I am happy and content with my life.

  • I am guided to the next step that is right for me in life.

  • I know and understand myself.

  • I release negative self talk.

  • The only validation I need comes from within myself.

  • I am living my best life.

  • I am growing and evolving into the best version of myself.

You are confident, and you know that you are enough. Now go out there and have an amazing day. Your affirmations and positive intentions are already set. Be sure to come back again and watch this video tomorrow and watch your confidence grow.


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