What is The Law of Attraction?

The reason I am making this post is because the law of attraction changed my life, and I want that for everyone. I want everyone to feel their best self, I want everyone to be able to reach their goals, achieve their dreams, and I want you to live your best life. The “law of attraction” is a term that has been tossed around a lot, especially after the book The Secret was published in 2006 by Rhonda Byrne. But what does it mean? How do you utilize it to create the reality you desire?

Have you ever walked into a room of people and felt a heavy feeling? On the flip side, have you ever walked into a room and felt a comforting and exciting energy? That is energy we as humans pick up on.

The law of attraction is based on the fact that our thoughts are a form of energy. We use the power and energy of our mind to manifest things into reality. In other words, The law of attraction uses the power of thoughts to translate whatever we are focusing on and materialize them into real life. When you focus on something you desire, you can resonate with that frequency, which in turn will attract it to you.

Positive thoughts bring positive results into your life, while negative thoughts bring negative results. Everything in the world around you, began with a single thought. All thoughts turn into things. The road you drive on. That was once a thought that was then mapped out and became a reality in the tangible world. The home you live in. It was once a thought inside the mind of an architect, it was then blueprinted, and now you are living in it. 

There is a quote I love, and it is “what we focus on we enhance and empower.”

Everything and everyone in your life you attract with your dominant thoughts. This isn’t a woowoo theory, it’s science. It’s Quantum physics. Quantum mechanics. I know it may sound intimidating, but it’s really quite simple. As I said before, The law of attraction is based on the fact that thoughts are a form of energy.

Quantum physics proves that everything emits energy. It’s like the wind. You’re driving in a convertible and your hair is blowing back. We can’t see it, but we can see the effects it has on things in the world in front of us. Quantum mechanics tells us how electromagnetic waves work. Take a look at the hertz vibration scale below.

You can see the energy that is aligned with emotions we emit. The positive feelings of enlightenment, peace, joy, and love resonate at the top with a high frequency. The negative feelings of fear, guilt, and shame resonate at the bottom with a low energy.

Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 

It’s not “woowoo” it’s science. It’s the law of attraction. Think of it like gravity. An unchanging law of the universe. If I drop an egg off the roof of my house, it’s going to hit the ground and crack open. If you heighten your vibration to align with the positive frequencies, you will attract positive things into your life.

So how do you do that? How do you heighten your vibration to match the frequency of what you desire? How do you utilize the law of attraction to manifest anything and everything you want out of life?

Ask yourself - Who do you surround yourself with? Are they positive people? Do they encourage you and applaud your success and support you no matter what? Are they negative people? Are they constantly gossiping and talking down others, complaining about how broke they are and how nothing goes their way? Remember you are the people you surround yourself with. Don’t let your friends lower your vibration. Nothing good can come from it.

Another thing you want to do is stop saying “I want.”
“I want to be rich. I want to be successful.”

Start living in the mindset of being. I am rich. I am successful. You will align yourself with that energy, and everything will come to you.

The feeling of gratitude  is one of the most important parts that lead to the success and positive changes in your life. When you feel grateful for what you have, you will attract what you want. Take the time to thank the universe for bringing you everything you have in this moment right now. Think about all of the things you are grateful for. Sit in this feeling that you have enough. The feeling of abundance. Everything you need, you have. Anything you could ever want, the universe is already sending your way.

The law of attraction isn’t some myth or woowoo power at play. It’s reality. It’s the world around you. It’s where you are at in life right now. It’s really that simple. Your thoughts and words are powerful. So choose them wisely. Utilize the law of attraction to craft the life you always wanted to live. The possibilities are endless.


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