Become A Love Magnet Attract Your Soulmate

As human beings, we all want love. We all have love to give, and crave the same to be reciprocated. Stop chasing love and attract your soulmate using the law of attraction with these affirmations! This video will show you how to manifest a relationship and bring love into your life. These daily affirmations will attract love and romance so you can have the healthy relationship and soulmate that you always dreamed of. Do these affirmations everyday, and your life will change before your eyes. The law of attraction is working for you!

I open my heart, and I am ready to receive the heart of another.

  • I am deserving of love from others.

  • The person I am looking for is also looking for me.

  • I let go of my past relationships and look to the future.

  • I vibrate with the frequency of love.

  • I love and respect myself.

  • The universe is bringing my soulmate to me.

  • I acknowledge my self-worth.

  • I love who I am, and so does my partner.

  • My confidence attracts my soulmate to me.

  • I am magnetic and captivating to those around me.

  • I am worthy of a healthy, loving relationship.

  • I am open to love.

  • I radiate love.

  • My love is unconditional.

  • I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.

  • I know and understand myself.

  • Love is all around me.

  • I know that my soulmate is on their way to me now.

  • I am worthy of celebrating myself.

  • I spread love to those around me and it returns to me in abundance.

  • I am attracting my partner.

  • My inner beauty naturally radiates outwards.

  • I welcome love with open arms.

  • Love is always flowing to me.

These positive affirmations help shift your mindset and allow your energy to pull your soulmate closer to you. You have the power to manifest the tangible world around you. Your love affirmations and positive intentions are already set. Your soulmate is on their way, but remember that consistency is key in attracting what you desire. So be sure to come back again and watch this video tomorrow and watch your love life flourish.


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