You Need More Self-Love

Self love is so important. It’s crucial. The way we treat ourselves affects every interaction we have. It affects every decision we make. How do you treat yourself? What types of things do you say to yourself? Would you allow someone else to say those exact things to your best friend? If not, why would you say those things to yourself?

Some may mistake someone else’s self love and confidence as being conceited. That is because for people like them, it is intimidating to see someone love themselves without shame or fear. That is a reflection of their own lack of self-love. Remember that life is too short to pretend you’re anything less than amazing. And when you can love yourself fully, you can give love fully. In the words of Rupaul, if you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?

Take a deep breath in. Feel your lungs filling with love and positivity. And then release. What you put out into the universe, you will receive. The love you radiate, will come right back to you.

Repeat these affirmations out loud or to yourself:

  • I accept and love myself exactly as I am now.

  • I am complete.

  • I acknowledge my self-worth.

  • I accept love from myself.

  • I love and respect myself.

  • I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.

  • I embrace the person that I am.

  • I am enough.

  • I know and understand myself.

  • I am at peace with where I am in life.

  • I deserve to be expressive and joyful

  • I forgive myself.

  • I am at peace with my past.

  • I let go of my past beliefs that no longer serve me.

  • I let go of my past and look to the future.

  • I am constantly growing, evolving and becoming my best self.

  • I am open to seeing myself in a new light.

  • I deserve love.

  • I am deserving of love from others.

  • I am worthy of love.

  • I vibrate with the frequency of love.

  • It is safe for me to be me.

  • I deserve to feel safe and secure.

  • I love my body, this beautiful vessel I live in.

  • My inner beauty naturally radiates outwards.

  • My imperfections make me unique and I embrace them.

  • I am magnetic and captivating to those around me.

  • I radiate love.

  • My love is unconditional.

  • Love is all around me.

  • I deserve peace and tranquility in life.

  • I am worthy of celebrating myself.

Take another deep breath in…. And out.

Though some may believe this is simply wishful thinking, these positive affirmations of self love help shift your mindset and allow your energy to pull love to you from all corners of life. You have the power to manifest the tangible world around you. Your love affirmations and positive intentions are set, beautiful.


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