Reduce Anxiety Immediately

You are safe. Odds are if you clicked on this post, you needed to hear that.

Take a deep breath in…. and out.

Relax your shoulders. Observe how tense they may have just been.

Anxiety is natural and common. It is our human instinct. It is the feeling our ancestors got when they needed it for survival. The feeling was triggered in a situation where they were in a dangerous situation, like being chased by a wild animal. Their anxiety was an instinct that was utilized as a subconscious tool to keep them safe.

But today that same feeling of fear, overwhelm, and nervousness is triggered in other ways. Like taking a big exam, giving a speech in front of a large audience, or simply meeting someone new at a party. For others with generalized anxiety, it can seemingly come on from nothing and can negatively affect their lives. The feeling of almost incomprehensible fear that something bad is about to happen. It’s like a smoke alarm going off when there is no fire.

There is no fire.

This meditation is not here to suggest that your anxiety is not real. I am not here to deny your combination of genetics and environmental circumstances. Though the feeling of anxiety and the state of being overwhelmed is very real, most of the things that cause them are simply illusions. But your intense feelings of worry, fear, and panic that are attached, are real and valid.

Take a deep breath in. Feel yourself giving your body that aid that it wants.
And breathe out. Focus on the relief and satisfaction you feel from simply breathing.

Take another deep breath in. Feel your lungs filling with tranquility and positivity. And then release. 

These positive affirmations are meant to be utilized as a tool to help calm your mind, slow your thoughts, reprogram your subconscious, and overcome your feelings of worry, nervousness, and fear. Let’s begin.

Imagine a bright white light surrounding you. This white light serves as a blanket of tranquility and protection.

Repeat these affirmations out loud or to yourself:

  • I am safe.

  • I am present.

  • All is well in my life.

  • Everything is working out for my highest good.

  • I am deserving of a happy and successful life.

  • I forgive myself and set myself free.

  • I choose to observe my thoughts, and eliminate the thoughts that do not serve me.

  • Out of this situation, only good will come.

  • The more love I feel for myself, the more understanding I have.

  • I trust the process of life.

  • I rise up to the challenges life brings my way.

  • Life is getting easier and easier from this point forward.

  • I believe in myself.

  • I am intelligent and capable.

  • My confidence grows stronger everyday.

  • Life is an exciting ride, and I embrace it through the ups and downs.

  • I choose to observe my situation, rather than react to the feelings in my body.

  • I am loved. 

  • I am at peace.

  • I am calm.

  • I have everything I need in life.

  • I now live in limitless love, light, and joy.

  • I no longer listen to the fearful voice that comes from within.

  • I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.

  • My vision for my life is becoming clearer each day.

  • I acknowledge my self-worth.

  • My self-awareness is growing, and I realize my fears that are irrational.

  • Everything I have been through has made me a stronger person.

  • I love the person I have become.

  • Fear is only a thought, and a thought can be changed.

  • I no longer fall victim to my fears and irrational thoughts.

  • It is safe for me to speak up for myself.

  • I radiate and receive love.

  • I am Divinely guided and protected at all times.

  • I am safe.

Take another deep breath in…. and out.

Sit in this feeling of tranquility.

These positive affirmations help shift your mindset and allow your energy to remain calm so you can take back control of your life. You have the power to manifest positivity in the tangible world around you. For best results, come back and do these positive affirmations everyday. Remember: this blog post and the video above is available anytime you need it.

You got this!


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