Morning Affirmations to Start Your Day off Right

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Are you irritable from your alarm blaring in your ear? Are you scrolling in an endless sea of Instagram posts that do nothing but remind you of the way you wish your life was? Raphael Vallat, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and sleep researcher in the Center for Human Sleep Science at the University of California, Berkeley says it can take up to 30 minutes for your brain to fully wake up after a deep sleep.

As your brain is still waking up, the actions you take immediately after you wake up are pivotal in determining your mindset, the frequency at which you vibrate, and the things you will attract into your life. Focus your energy on the positive aspects in your life and the law of attraction will do the rest.

Morning affirmations set the tone for your day. I’m sure that most people can agree that throughout our day we can get swept up in our short term actions. With so many people, personalities, and responsibilities that we come across daily, some may find that the days slip by and that fulfilled feeling seems to drift further to the wayside.

These powerful positive morning affirmations help set the tone for your day and bring you closer to the dream you are working to achieve. Do these affirmations every morning, and your life will change before your eyes.

You can do this affirmation exercise while you sit with your legs crossed, you can listen on your morning walk, or even as you get ready for your day. This is your time. Do not worry about anything else. 

  • Today is a new day, and endless possibilities are available to me.

  • I feel healthy, strong, and good today.

  • I know that by choosing to feel good today, I generate abundance that will show up in positive and unexpected ways.

  • I have the power and intuition to make every choice I encounter today.

  • There is so much joy in this world waiting for me today.

  • Passion, ideas, and an abundance of happiness flow to me.

  • I am open, ready, and excited for this day and all that it will bring.

  • I am choosing to see the good in every moment today.

  • I am Divinely connected to everything today.

  • When I work for something I desire, I achieve it.

  • I am successful.

  • I am happy and content with my life.

  • I am guided to the next step that is right for me in life.

  • I have everything I need to make today a great day.

Now that you have set the tone and intention first thing in the morning, watch as you day unfolds in mystical ways. Watch this video everyday and these morning affirmations will keep you on track to creating the life you have always dreamed of.


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